I see colors when I close my eyes.
I first noticed it in meditation class and it was a wonderful illumination for me.
Ideas flow and colors are beacons of emotions.
No one else can see the colors I see when I close my eyes;
They are invisible to everyone else.
I had a massage last week and mentioned to the therapist that
I see a particular color when she works on my back.
She made a comment on what a lovely color it was and
mentioned that another one of her clients, sees gold when she has her feet massaged.
It unfazed her and I was validated and understood.
It was no surprise or a weirdness to her.
I am finding that invisibility seems to be a reoccurring theme as of late.
I feel unseen for the most part...able to pass through the day unnoticed, or forgotten.
When the feeling floods me, I tend to send out love notes to friends.
Either by text or actual cards in the mail.
I send notes of encouragement
notes of love
notes to simply tell a person they are held in high regard
notes of strength to act as floats;hoping to keep your head above water
I send notes that say Hi I am checking in on you
For the most part these are not really acknowledged.
Like my notes become invisible once I drop them into the postbox.
I continue to send them despite the lack of response.
I believe that no matter what, kindness matters.
I send them because I want to, not that I expect a response.
(but isn't it nice to know they found their person?)
The Barren keeps asking what I want to do to celebrate my upcoming birthday.
I turn 50 this year...
a number I am still baffled at, but a number that designates
how many times I have spun around that glorious ball of burning gas in the sky.
I come up empty each time he asks.
Shrinking from embarrassment.
As much as I know how much this frustrates him, I have no ideas.
He keeps asking if I want a party?
I would love a party...but
Honestly, the first thing that comes to mind is " who would come? "
I could invite all those people I send love notes to,
but I am really scared no one would show up.
It would simply highlight how untangled I am among the people I know.
We've thrown parties before where everyone who says they are coming,
calls the day of the party and tells us they can't make it...
leaving us with a table full of food and us in our PJ's dazed as to what happened.
I continue to try and reach out to people I meet at the yoga studio or in life
but keep coming up "hot potato-ed"
I know this sounds like a pity party...but I am really struggling to crack this code.
What do you do for your birthday if you are without people you spend time with?
My bestie lives a days drive away, and we have hopes to meet somewhere
half-way this year for a weekend girl getaway.
(that is something to be excited about)
I want to help hubby
Maybe if we simply go to a park and set out a picnic,
and if no one shows it would still be a nice day in a park with snacks
and not hurt as much as it feels right now.
Does anyone out there feel invisible?
Yes, at times I feel very invisible. Working from home (or not working, as the case is these days), and not even belonging to a gym anymore, makes me feel very invisible. I've also hosted a small party where only a few people turned up - the people who said they were coming didn't come. I've given up now. Dinner parties I can do, but that's it.
I know what you mean about being baffled at the number 50. I was too! Because I knew I wouldn't have a party, we did the inevitable (for me) and that was travel. My birthday was lovely - we visited a beautiful botanical garden in Cape Town, and drove to a wine village where we had an amazing meal at an amazing restaurant. Though I will admit that I felt kind of lonely for a while the day after my birthday, without anyone around except my husband, and few messages. I did consider inviting my closest friends out just for cocktails, but by the time I got home I didn't - I think I'll do that for my next big birthday, as I'll almost certainly travel again.
Regardless, my husband and I always go somewhere nice for dinner for our birthdays, or go away for a long weekend to somewhere lovely. I really like your idea of a picnic (I love picnics) too. Being somewhere beautiful, and relaxing, is a great way to celebrate.
(Do tell us when it gets closer to your birthday, so we can celebrate with you here.)
Mali- You are the kindest and sweetest person to always comment on my writing.
I will keep you in the loop, as I am sure there will be more existential crisis before the day...'
Yes to feeling invisible sometimes. It is really hard to make new friends as an adult.
We do a beach day for my birthday. We're lucky the beach is a short day trip away, but any day trip will do. And then we only do what I want to do for a whole day. It's not hugely exciting (maybe not 50th birthday material?) but I love it. To get to spend a whole day reading by the water? It makes me happy.
I had a long comment posted, but it all comes down the same thing. You may be unique, special and important, but in this feeling of being invisible, you are not alone.
I spent nearly all my 30's feeling that way. Every birthday was...challenging. My mom died in my early 30's and after that it was just suddenly- what do I do? My husband has never been one to do much fuss over birthday's and the whole thing just was always a letdown. Then we moved back to where my lifelong bestie lives- and the last few have been so much better. She always makes sure we do something- and suddenly birthday's are better again. But, I'm dreading that 50 is only a couple years away so I get it. And I'm so sorry you're having this trouble- I have awfully memories of planning a graduation party in high school and no one coming. XX
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