So last week I woke up and said, I should get a few things in case this changes.
The Barren and I made a list and I headed out to the shop to get what we needed.
It was way way harder than that.
I arrived to a shop that has bulk bins, as we are trying to reduce packaging in our lives.
I was greeted by chaos, and empty shelves and dazed people.
Some were just trying to do their weekly shopping but the others were stock piling!
I stood in line and bought some of the items we were looking for.
I made a second stop at a health food store to pick up some of the other items then came home and took a nap. On waking up I headed to the traditional grocery store to see if there was any dried pasta or sauce...insanity there too, people buying frozen pizza and hungry man tv dinners.
I picked up some fresh produce and pasta....thankfully there were loads of pre-made vegan options available.
The Barren and I went to the Indian market on Saturday and got a bag or rice and lentils and spices.
the owner is a wonderful lady who was OVERWHELMED by people buying ALL the rice.
It is like something from a movie
I went to work (it is myself and my brother) on Sunday to avoid people.
I asked him how and when were we educated on what to buy in case the world has a pandemic?
I went out yesterday to get medicine for the cat and pick up eggs for The Barren...
no luck on the eggs.
I awoke from a panic attack this morning and face-timed my brother...
we were both in bed and he showed me my nephew putting together this lego set that he finally was able to get from Christmas (he had to earn it in no attitude and such)

I then called my parents in tears, telling them that if they make bad choices, and end up in the hospital I won't be able to see them.
My father has taken this all as a personal insult and it fighting all real logic with toxic positivity.
He heard my tears and made promises, the last time I did this was when he didn't tell anyone he was having chest pains for a couple days.
I think I screamed at him then ...
So this is the normal here.
Hubby and I are getting along ok, and he is working from the kitchen table and so his ability to walk away from work at the end of the day is harder now...
I hope this weekend we will have some change, maybe a walk outside.
Oh- we are suppose to go to Farmers Market on Saturday morning in hopes to get eggs.
and more fresh veggies.
I am trying to suppress my panic at not making any money right now
and wondering how I might pay bills...
I don't have to get political to express my disappointment at not knowing what is going on.
Being frustrated that my town doesn't have enough test kits or swabs to test people with.
I keep hearing that our food supply is stable, but just got word from a neighbor who went out that there are empty shelves and no paper products to be had.
The Barren is flirting with a bidet attachment for the toilet now.
I am fine with that.
It feels like I was blindsided by this all...and the more I dip my toe into the news
the more horrible it is, and so so so sad.
This all feels like a movie
I am floating in this horrible movie that I never wanted to see.
I am scared and unsure what to do to make this upturned ship right itself.
I assume we all feel like this though
and there is a sense of comfort in that too.
kind of
Hi Barreness. I'm really sorry you are finding this tough - I can imagine. We're not at the stage that the US is at yet, but it still meant that the flour and yeast in the supermarket today was gone. (I'd run out of yeast). And it is enormously frustrating to see that people are not taking it seriously. Their nonchalence makes it so much harder on the rest of us - practically, AND emotionally. I'm sorry your father is putting more stress on you.
And yes, we're all feeling a little (or a lot) stressed, no matter where we are in the world. So I'm sending love and hugs, and hoping that brings a little comfort. Kind of.
I appreciate this post. Your words ring true several states over. It's weird to see stores sold out of basic things. It's stressful to think about the recession and everyone's health. Major interruptions and devastation in our own lives are one thing... It's something else entirely when the interruptions and devastation are on a global level.
It makes me happy to read that you and your husband are getting along well. I hope you two are able to stay home and comfortable. I am hopeful the spread will stop.
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