Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Women of a certain age

My birthday is around the corner and while speaking to my mother, 
I expressed that I had no problem with my age. 
I explained that in my mind, this milestone number 
will release me from all sorts of things...
but mostly THE PEP TALK statement 
" there is still time to try and have kids, don't give up!"

I am done with people telling me to not give up, keep trying
and that there is still time.
I am actually feeling kind of soapboxy about it lately.
 I've spent years waiting, trying and watching life go by 
as I pinned my hopes on something that wasn't going to happen.
Actually now is the time to LIVE
I don't want to give up on me, on us, on what we still have left!

My mother seemed a little emotional about my revolutionary call to arms
I see her watch me ever so closely when I have a little rant or rave. 
I have done this since I was a child...but not until recently was I ever really heard 
( that took loads of therapy to figure out)
So when I see her watch me, I see her witnessing her reality of time 
and how long ago she was 
a young (she was 22 when I came into being) mom 
and all the hopes and dreams she had for me.
She declared " this is quite a milestone for you then isn't it"
I changed the subject, as I didn't want her to become a puddle of tears.

We then talked about our daily practice of our power poses, was she doing her "wonder woman"?
We had seen a TED talk together all about changing your mindset by simply holding these power poses for 2-5 minutes a day or before a big stressful event.
I have been trying to "re-educate" my mother on her feminist theory as it seems to be slipping away as she ages. Reminding her that she still possesses power and a valid voice.

I told her I had come across
a photo of myself that my grandmother had, that had me in this same pose.
I have been holding this pose for decades, 
I was meant to be strong
powerful and brave!

I am going to be a 45 year old woman!
who still wants to be Wonder Woman

1 comment:

nicole said...

Awesome!! I love the call to arms. I have become a bit ranty about it myself as I have made my position clear to others. But, people can have a hard time listening... I am proud of you for aiming to make the most of life and putting an end to the pep talk!