We attended a Black Lives Matter rally two weekends ago.
We paraded around (in the car) the protesters with hand-painted signs of support.
(this was our social distancing version of protesting)
I am reading new books and learning how to be a better anti-racist.
but there are people that didn't support the cause...
one of our favorite Vietnamese take out places put a Black Lives Matter sign in their storefront window and some customers asked him to take it down that it made them uncomfortable.
He refused...and thankfully he mentioned it on his social media page
and received a load of support!
PEOPLE!! Seriously!
I am feeling the water creeping closer to my head in this fight...
I was reading what other countries are reading and understanding about the US.
and I was not surprised.
We are a train-wreck and then this happened...
We paraded around (in the car) the protesters with hand-painted signs of support.
(this was our social distancing version of protesting)
I am reading new books and learning how to be a better anti-racist.
but there are people that didn't support the cause...
one of our favorite Vietnamese take out places put a Black Lives Matter sign in their storefront window and some customers asked him to take it down that it made them uncomfortable.
He refused...and thankfully he mentioned it on his social media page
and received a load of support!
PEOPLE!! Seriously!
I am feeling the water creeping closer to my head in this fight...
I was reading what other countries are reading and understanding about the US.
and I was not surprised.
We are a train-wreck and then this happened...
This is why Americans are still dying and contracting the virus.
This is an example of people I live near.
I fight everyday to think the best of people, believe that most people are good.
I do hold that as my starting point.
This is why it is questioned every day and why I am terrified to go get groceries.
Thankfully the city council voted to mandate masks
for all indoor businesses, and government offices, it was a close vote though!!
4-3 for masks
My town is on a watch list now, as we have had a spike in cases.
over 100 new cases over the weekend and an increase in hospitalized cases.
This is how the US is dealing with the virus.
we have a peeing section in our pool.
If you are outside the US, know that there are millions marching against this.
We have more registered voters than ever before.
Most of us DO NOT WANT this reality.
MANY of us believe in equality and justice.
We want a change to the establishment.
if you are an american and live abroad