Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Some go this way...

“Some go this way. Some go that way. But as for me, myself, personally, I prefer the short cut.”

The Cheshire cat 

I thought I would give the rest of the world a peek at what it is like where I live right now.
It occupies much of my mind, and time and takes up a lot of space in my head.
So in many ways I am documenting it here, maybe in hope that it will seem funny after a while.

 via Instagram: Gripster2000

Yes, these are screen captures from my phone and I hope you can forgive my luddite qualities.

My county still has an average of 600+ cases a day and about 20 deaths a day!
We don't have enough vaccines but to inoculate 75+ year olds and medical workers so far.
All appointments are gone, and we get weekly deliveries that are given to the above group...
The governor expanded to allow vaccinating 65+yr olds 
but there is not the inventory to allow that. 
Yesterday our stay at home order was lifted and so outdoor dining is available again starting Friday.
It makes zero sense.

I continue to stay indoors, taking online classes and attending zoom lectures.
Doing yoga in the living room or studio...
There is rain this week (for the first time since last year) so all my outdoor park classes are canceled.

My father is finally recovering from his surgery, thanks to my mother being a drill sergeant and making sure he does his breathing exercises and walks and sits in places other than the bed.
It was a bumpy road but thankfully, looking better.
I really enjoyed sitting with my mother and waiting for updates about my father. The time highlighted that she is older, and I am older and our time here is fragile and uncertain.

My stress levels during all this have been through the roof, I fear I have massively altered my digestive system and I am now trying to regain control of it.
Do any of you get heartburn or ingestion 6+ hours after eating? 
I am experiencing that, I can not lay flat in bed right now, and 6-8 hours after eating  in the evening I awake with chest or stomach burning....I get up drink water and sit up in bed and then fall back to sleep.
But, MY GOSH this is getting old.
Stress Much lady?!

Okay this post has become quite a bitch fest...
I am understanding that I am the person who reaches out to others...I am that person.
I am a person who enjoys simple pleasures, like a pretty plant or listening to rain or falling asleep on the couch watching tv or reading while hubby strokes my hair or holds my hand.
I love the sight of the sun peeking through the branches of a tree.
I love having vivid dreams and sitting with the visual memories for half a day trying to figure out what it all means.
I love a cup of hot tea and sometimes a cookie
I love the cool air on my face and blankets up to my neck
I love that last week when I left my parents place, I saw my nephew riding his bike with a friend and when I waved and said hello, he said "Love you Auntie" he is 13!
I will take that and wrap it in my softest folds of self and carry it forever.


Infertile Phoenix said...

Times are extremely hard and I am very thankful that, like you, I am a person who enjoys simple pleasures. <3

I'm glad your dad is recovering well. Cheers to your mom for making him walk and sit in various places other than bed.

I've started doing yoga in my bedroom. My favorite yoga teacher (who happens to be my best friend who lives 1200 miles away) has started posting weekly videos I can practice with. :)

Thinking of you. It seems only fellow bloggers seem to be making any sense to me these days... Stay safe and enjoy the little things.

Mali said...

I am glad that your father is recovering, and that you enjoyed the time with your mother. We never know when the time together will be over.

I agree, lifting restrictions seems to make zero sense. Especially to me, when you're almost getting as many deaths a day as we had (we had a few more) the whole of last year. (Though of course the population of your county could be the same as NZ!) I really can't understand the way the US (or UK or Europe) have dealt with the pandemic.

Oh, those simple pleasures. They really help us keep going when times are tough. I love your list. And your nephew is fabulous! 13 year old boys can be really special. What a perfect way to end your post.