Recently my dreams have been highly ramped up....masses of details and information has been pouring into my dream eyes and mind. I am not sure what it all means but I often find myself frustrated at m=not being able to remember all the littlest details when I wake. I have begun to say my dreams out loud the moment I wake up as a way to anchor them of sorts. Writing them down, doesn't work for me as I am blind as a bat and getting my glasses on awakens me to a new level and things begin to fall off the edges and fade rapidly. So now with my eyes still closed, I am reciting my dreams to the air above my head.
This morning I told hubby of the one I had last night.
"I was checking in on an older neighbor that lived next door and she would not speak, but I knew she was not well. She would convey her wellness in states of color, in clothing.
The more color the sicker she was feeling.
When I went to check on her, she opened the door in a rainbow banded Mexican style dress with vivid white, yellow, orange red and green cascading down to her bare feet.
but her face was a pale green she was waving her arms at me and leaning to the side.
I ran to her door and entered her home, we were then in a far back bedroom where I could tell she was going to collapse.
I grabbed her shoulders and felt the heat of a fever from her skin.
She was suddenly small, very frail and she motioned for her dog to come to her. It was a dog I had given her for company. She was then a child and patting its back like an infant would do.
We both sat there and I could feel the fur of the dog on my hand and see its floppy ears silhouetted in the light coming thru the windows..
I could tell she(the neighbor) was struggling to breathe, and I looked into her eyes and said
" Rae we love you so very much, you are so so loved"
and with that I woke up.
I felt a longing when I awoke, but not a sadness.