Wednesday, May 25, 2022

no words

 There is no words

I am without a path to navigate this

This is just nightmare on top of nightmare, and then another nightmare.

I wrote about babies dying in school in 2012


I am not able to write about it again.

I am too overwhelmed and too shattered.

My youngest niece awoke at 3am this morning, feeling out of sorts.

Her mother did what she could to comfort her, then when she woke up for school later today, she proclaimed that she was "sad" and just wanted to be with her Omi (her grandmother)

so her mom called the school and said that my niece was taking a mental health day.

This child has not had two solid years of school yet...

she is just learning how to make friends and play with others.

I am like a string in the wind...totally untethered and lost searching for any connection at this point.


Infertile Phoenix said...

"I am too overwhelmed and too shattered." Me too.

My boyfriend told me what happened and I just started screaming. Then I started crying extremely hard. I got a headache. I'd take all the headaches in the world for this to not be true. Again.

Mali said...

I feel for you, and grieve with you. Awful! Sending love and hugs from across the Pacific.

childlessmomma said...

Lost and grieving with you. It's been affecting me a lot - one part triggering my own wounds and one part just as an indignant and helpless human. Tears straming down my face as I'm driving and going about my daily activities.