Saturday, March 23, 2013

Trying this and that

Me: What cha doing today mom?
Mom: I am just going to piddle around the house.
Me: Um, Mom do you know what piddle means? It means pee...
Mom: ha, No I am not doing that, I am just finding things to do around here.
Me: OK, I just wanted to clarify.
I am trying some advice on for size to see how it feels.
In my effort to be a better me, find my way in this crazy world and try and not let shit get to me.
Like, this last week. My SIL is looking really preggers now, plus she is a bit moody-tudy too.
Every time I sit and talk with other Artists and creatives I always ask how their day is framed.
It is a way to see how the day starts and the creative process creeps in.
Some have very structured schedules:
between 8 and 9 I do this,9 and noon that, etc...
Some start with house errands, or a list of deadlines...
Interesting enough, almost everyone I have spoken to that works from a home studio says
"I take the dogs for a walk and my day forms there"
Well, I don't have dogs, and I can fairly certainly tell you my cats are not big motivators for extreme walking...
"hey you, lady, come feed me so I can settle into a nap"
So this morning after feeding the cats and making sure their lives were attended to,
I went for a walk.
Just until I broke a sweat, and then I would head home.
(small steps, but with purpose)
I was out for about half an hour
I didn't get a lot of thinking done, just some ooh look at that cleared my head for sure!
I am going to try it again
maybe incorporate it into my daily morning routine...
it will keep me away from morning news and over time I am sure it will kick start the
list/organizer thing in my head.
On my way home I swung by the local small coffee shop for a bagel
$2.25: for a bagel, un-toasted in a bag, no cream cheese
I am still figuring out her price matrix for that one...but I was able to snap-up the last "power bagel"
well, I think she only buys I was lucky today.
I am currently printing...I am thankful for that.

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