Thursday, January 31, 2013

Broken Hearts Club

I heard this amazing interview on NPR a month or so ago and it was inspirational.
I have put a link to hear the whole story yourself below
 To summarize, it is about a museum that only houses what is left behind from a relationship.
There are always things left behind after a relationship ends, that for some reason we hold onto.
Letters, or a shirt or a photo or REALLY random things like a cup the ex-loved one use to drink out of every morning or a photo they hung on the wall for you.
I thought this story was going to be horribly, sad but the longer I listened the more beautiful it became. There are sad stories don't get me wrong, but there are also sweet memories that are now gone with the person.
Like the woman who sends a flashing light for the dog they use to share,
so it doesn't get hurt when it walks at night.
I have kept things from old relationships, I am a collector by my nature, so it seems counter nature to get rid of some things...but then there are baby things.
This story made me think about a museum for us...a museum to send our last little things that we are ready to let go of. A ribbon, or a blanket that was sent to us.
(my mother keeps a blanket that was made for me for my baby)
I fear that, that collection would be ONLY heartbreaking.
So until then, we can focus on someone elses heartbreak.
Below is the narrated story and a link to the real place, in case you are traveling nearby and want to stop in. I would imagine it would be quite cathartic.

1 comment:

Wolfers said...

This certainly reminds me of reading the book "Throw out Fifty things" (need to write a post about my experience so far)... Your comment, "This story made me think about a museum for us...a museum to send our last little things that we are ready to let go of. A ribbon, or a blanket that was sent to us.
(my mother keeps a blanket that was made for me for my baby)" tears filled up in my eyes and I just..want to let you know, I completely echo that heart-breaking- small gesture, yet world heavy- you know?
I'd love to talk with you more if you'd not mind... I'm Julie Wolfers on Facebook...