Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shock and Awe

I feel like I am floating still....swaying between being awake or asleep, focused or unsure.
I am past my two big openings and I have several pages of kind words about the show.
The newspaper article came out in today's paper.

It was very strange to see my words printed...very strange to realize that someone heard what I was saying. So much of this has been me talking here or in my head...or whispered to hubby at night while lying in bed.
I think I am in a little bit of shock.
I outed myself to my entire community

I stopped by the gallery early this morning to water the plants and check on the work.
I had dreams all night that the gallery owner had sold the walls that my work is on and forgotten that I had my work was still on it.
It was a night of feeling so unsure, so frightened, so unseen or unheard.

Turns out the owner of a local contemporary gallery came by before me this morning and pounded on the doors to see the show as he had read the article in today's paper.

He left his name in the guestbook with the words " Great Art/ Great use of the art process"
He took several cards and told the gallery owner that he knows other people that need to see this show.

I know I am in shock now, as I am not sure how to react to this or how I even feel about it.


La Belette Rouge said...

I am so excited for you. This is BIG! And, I get that feeling about outing yourself. My blog and I are going to be written about in 2 magazines in December. I am excited and yet I will no longer be anonymous. I am scared.

I can't wait to see your work and the show and to congratulate you in person. Infertility is so often a topic that is private/secret and for some, shameful. I think it is amazing that through your work you are brining infertility out of the closet.
Congrats to you!!!!!!xoxo

The B said...

Congrats on the press Belette!! It is very scary...but I think we are pioneers forging a new road and new thinking! Marching with our Empathy signs.