Sunday, September 23, 2012

Deeply Felt

When I saw this photo in the news this morning, my heart sank.
"Zoo officials said in a press release that the cub was found dead Sunday morning after panda keepers heard sounds of distress from its mother, Mei Xiang."
*Mei Xiang, the cub's mother, appears to still have a maternal instinct. "Sadly, we have witnessed her cradling an object for most of the night," Zoo Director Dennis Kelly said. "
I felt it so deeply, this loss for me is universally felt.
I don't see a defining line between animal and people, we are all sensitive beings.
My thoughts and prayers go out to this grieving mother.


Rebecca said...

I found your blog through ICLW; I forgot to sign up for it this month.

I too read about the panda loss and felt so bad. I mean it's just terrible to know how she is feeling.

Sarah said...

This made me so sad. My husband and I were at that zoo a couple of years ago, pandas are such beautiful animals and their cubs such miracles.

Jen said...

So sad!!!! I too couldn't believe how strong of a reaction I had to this news.

Anonymous said...

That is so sad...